Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Feast of the Holy Archangel Michael. Appearance above the House of Glory in Mellatz and above the house chapel in the garden.

The holy archangel speaks through Anne.


The Blessed Mother appeared radiantly beautiful in a white robe with a beautiful crown. Behind it I can already see St. Joseph, no, it is the Holy Archangel Michael. The sword I see. After that the bridegroom of the Blessed Mother is already coming. Now I see her more intense, her face radiant. Now I see them clearly. A luminosity emanates from her. Ah, it is the luminosity of the holy archangel Michael that is behind it. The holy archangel Michael shines improbably. His sword I see also and his crown.

Now comes St. Joseph Today he carries the baby Jesus in his arms. He holds up the baby Jesus. He also wears the lily on the left side.

Mother of God you are beautiful. You are getting more and more beautiful. Do you not see the light, where the light is, where the star is, there exactly is the Mother of God. Don't you see it? It can be seen very clearly. Three stars can be seen. A beam of rays now emanates from the Holy Archangel Michael.

The Blessed Mother will not speak, but she now points with her right hand, with which she holds up the rosary, to the Holy Archangel Michael, who now appears on her right. On the left, St. Joseph is placed with the baby Jesus, which he is still holding up.

Dear Holy Archangel Michael, I see that you will want to say a few words to us, because today is your feast. You have already said some words to us this morning that are of importance and are going out into the world. We thank You with all our heart for this day on which You have bestowed such great graces on us and promise to keep away from us all evil that harms us, not only at the place of prayer in Wagratzbad, but also here in Mellatz.

The Holy Archangel Michael says: My dear children, have I not always wanted the best for you? Have I not always protected you in this time of your stay here in Mellatz? I was always around you and I am very concerned about you. I know that you suffer persecutions, that you are mocked, but is this not the way of holiness for you: mockeries, hostilities, attacks and also your atonement, beloved little one of the Heavenly Father and also My little one? How many times have I already protected you. When danger threatened, I waved My sword to keep them away from you. You will still be able to go your way, the way of love and the way of atonement in love. Make sure that everything is wanted by the Heavenly Father. If your atonement becomes too heavy, call me too. I may keep many things from you. I may help you and stand by you. You will never be alone, although you often feel alone. But this is not so. You have many companions from heaven, many saints. On earth, too, there are people who stand by you, who suffer with you, who pay attention again and again to what the messages say, and who follow the way of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the difficult way ...

Ah, the tail... Can't you see him? A large tail. He is down here and he is now going up like the giant tail of the star of Bethlehem, and you do not see him? Oh it is beautiful!

Holy Archangel Michael, thank you for this grace that we know we are on the way of the star. Not for nothing, dear Holy Joseph, you brought the Child Jesus with you today and showed him to us.

Saint Joseph says: Yes, My beloved ones, you shall give birth to Jesus anew in your hearts. And this will not be easy, because how much He has already suffered as a little child, and that is why today I show you the dear Child Jesus, who holds so many graces.

The tail again. Beautiful! I give the word again to the Holy Archangel Michael ...

The Holy Archangel Michael continues: Yes, beloved children, this way will be harder for you, but you already know it. You will never be able to let go of this way, for you know that only this one true way is your way. You will sometimes be desperate and despondent, but you will not be able to turn away from the Way. You have already given your will to the Heavenly Father, who guides and directs you, and who gives you His directions. You will be able to see how this path continues to go steeply upwards. And you will once be grateful for this difficult path that you have taken. Only then will you stand at the Heavenly Gate and be grateful and pleased to be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven to take part in the eternal wedding feast. This is the greatest gift, and for this you are all here on earth to be able to walk this path.

The tail again. I have to say this again and again. It is so beautiful, dear Holy Archangel Michael, what you want to give us today. I can only see this over and over again, but I tell everything to others so that when it goes on the Internet, they too will know of the great grace.

The Holy Archangel Michael continues: Today these words and the words of the Holy Archangel Michael are to be published on the Internet, because today the patron saint's feast of your domestic church in Göttingen is being celebrated. And you have followed this in all solemnity. You have gone this way because your day should be a feast day. No one can understand what a grace it is to celebrate this patronage so venerably. You should always remember that you have not ceased to turn to Me, the Holy Archangel Michael, and to put yourselves in the house church in Göttingen, because this chapel was consecrated to me and today it is very closely connected with the house church in Göttingen.

You are all loved, especially My little band. Continue on this path, the path of persecution and I am there. The Blessed Mother and St. Joseph will also accompany you, because all of us will appear here above this house chapel in Mellatz again and again every day at 8:00 p.m. People should know how precious it is when heaven speaks.

Again and again the tail. I thank you, dear Holy Archangel Michael, in the name of our small flock, in the name of the following of the Son of God and the Heavenly Father in the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. I thank all the angels you were there today and will continue to protect us. Tomorrow the month of the angels comes to an end. Tomorrow we will remember once again all the Holy Angels who will continue to accompany us and the Blessed Mother sends us down. Thank you for this great crowd. Thanks for coming. Thank you, dear Holy Archangel Michael and dear Mother of God with Your Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, and thank You, dear Child Jesus, who lets these graces flow into our hearts. Thank you for all your love, dear Blessed Mother. Now you will go to heaven again. I see it already. Until tomorrow, until tomorrow, tomorrow you appear again. Now I see nothing more. It goes that fast.


